Friday, October 31, 2008


Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus Natural TreatmentFingernails and toenails are the common breed of fungal infections. Though it is common, it is not really as easy to disappear. Everywhere we go, fungi are present, and they can give different effects on our body. Like a nail, for example. When infected, the nails will look thick and dull. Eventually, it will become crumbly and will result to the loss of your nails. Not only does it look very pleasing. It has a bad odor due to the fungus or death of the nail. Plus, it is very unhealthy and unhygienic.

Because of the strong resistance of our barriers against fungus entering the nails, once they get inside, they are as difficult to eliminate.There are treatments which can be either Topical, surgical, or by medications, to fight the fungal infection. However, they may be too costly –except Zetaclear found at Zetaclear which comes very cheap and is very effective in eliminating nail fungus infections- and they have to be continuous for a long time, or else nothing will happen even with the efforts. 

 Even if it may seem to clear up from time to time, they may return when the medication is not progressed. If you are unsure of the signs of having a nail fungus, you may want to see if the nails are becoming yellowish, and sometimes brownish. They also become thick and brittle which results to an easy breakage of the nails. Also check if the tips of the nails seem to be crumbling.To prevent nail fungus, you may want to avoid wearing nylons when possible and switch to cotton or natural wool instead. Do use breathable shoes when going out and always wash your feet and dry it thoroughly. 

 Sharing of wash cloths and towels are not advisable, as wet surfaces easily transmit bacteria. And if you do not really need to wear Nail polish, avoid them because they are one of the main causes of the infection. Same goes when already infected.Although you have these options (topical, surgical and oral) to remove the fungal infections, there are still some things in your house that you may temporarily use to treat it. If you are already prone to the infection, it is advisable to use a powder to help eliminate athlete’s foot. For more information visit: Zetaclear


Nail Fungus Treatments

How Nail Fungus Tropical Treatments Can Aid the Quick Treatment of Onchomycosis

How Nail Fungus Tropical Treatments Can Aid the Quick Treatment of OnchomycosisThere are some infections that may scatter through the frames of your nail. An example of a fungal infection that may take place is called an Onychomycosis. Although their visibility is not rare, these infections still seem to be challenging to treat.

There are more than 14% reported cases of this disease; however it may still not be accurate. Non-dermatophytic molds like a Scytalidium Dimidatum, and Dermatophytes are the ones who may be responsible for certain infections in the nails. Among the four clinical presentations, the Distal and Lateral Subungual Onychomycosis is the most common. A very dangerous type of infection is a Proxymal Subungual Onychomycosis. This is because they tend to be associated with AIDS.After your nails become infected with Onychomycosis, they tend to be thick, dull, fragile, and frail.

When the fungus starts to lift the whole nail off the patient, they will start to feel the pain. As it happens to all of the nails, this will eventually result to further loss.There have been various ways formulated to treat the fungal infection, and these include surgical procedures and the use of chemicals over the infected areas of the nails by Topical Antifungal solutions. Usually, you would have to use the product for about six months to see the result. Surgical procedures have a high success rate.

But there are still chances of permanent nail loss, and the patient may find the procedures painful. Most products have instructions like this, when using Topical Treatment on their infections: Use daily on the area infected. Each morning, the debris that remains should be removed using a spatula. Normally, the treatment lasts for two to four weeks.After going through the Topical method, and if there are still fungal infections, it may have to be removed surgically. Or, they can also recommend a prolonged treatment. In some cases, an Oral Treatment may already be required. This may take up to 6 months and may even have certain side effects. For more information visit:


Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus, what is that and how do you get it? An infection of nail fungus occurs when fungi infect one or more of your nails. A nail fungal infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges — an unsightly and potentially painful problem. These infections usually develop on nails continually exposed to warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or shower floors. Nail fungus isn't the same as athlete's foot, which primarily affects the skin of the feet, but at times the two may coexist and can be caused by the same type of fungus.An infection with nail fungus may be difficult to treat, and infections may recur. But medications are available to help clear up nail fungus. For more information about how to clear up nail fungus visit: Nail Fungus Treatment  

Fungi are microscopic organisms that don't need sunlight to survive. Some fungi have beneficial uses, while others cause illness and infection. Nail fungal infections are typically caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of fungi called dermatophytes. But yeasts and molds also can be responsible for nail fungal infections.

All of these microscopic organisms live in warm, moist environments, including swimming pools and showers. They can invade your skin through tiny invisible cuts or through a small separation between your nail and nail bed. They cause problems only if your nails are continually exposed to warmth and moisture — conditions perfect for the growth and spread of fungi.Infection with nail fungus occurs more in toenails than in fingernails because toenails are often confined in a dark, warm, moist environment inside your shoes — where fungi can thrive.

Another reason may be the diminished blood circulation to the toes as compared with the fingers, which makes it harder for your body's immune system to detect and eliminate the infection. For more information visit: Nail Fungus Treatment


Discover Basic Information On Hair Loss

Modern medicine is progressing at warp speed and intensive research is being carried out in the area of hair loss. Herewith we include some basic information on hair loss as a starting point for someone who is seeking assistance in this important personal matter.

Alopecia is The official term for hair loss and it can mean either the total or partial loss of hair. If your are suffering from hair loss you need proper hair loss information before you can accurately start treating your hair loss. There are several considerations that hair loss information will give you which you should use to determine the severity of your hair loss and also help you to understand what treatment options are available to you.

What To Consider

There is a lot of information on hair loss and first you need to determine what type of hair loss you have. Hair loss can develop gradually and it may also be patchy or it may occur all over the body. Every day nearly one hundred hair are shed from the healthy human head. An average human scalp will contain about a hundred thousand hairs. Hair will survive for about four and a half years while growing at about half an inch each month. Then in the fifth year the hair will fall out to be replaced by a new one within six months. The genetic form of hair loss results when the body fails to produce sufficient new hairs whilst being accompanied by excessive hair loss.

As people age they tend to lose the same amount of hair thickness and volume be they men or women. Men are more likely to have inherited pattern baldness then women. By the time they turn thirty about 25% of men will start to go bald and about two-thirds of men will be either completely bald or have balding patterns by the time they turn sixty. The typical pattern baldness will have a receding hairline along with thinning around the crown. If men do not have testosterone as a result of a genetic abnormality or castration then they will not develop pattern baldness since the pattern baldness needs testosterone.

Other Causes

Before assuming you have the common kinds of hair loss if is important to consider other causes of hair loss. While baldness is not typically a result of any single factor it can be related to aging, heredity and testosterone levels. Other possible causes of hair loss include hormonal changes, a serious illness, medications, excessive shampooing or blow-drying, emotional or physical stress, nervous habits, burn or parasites such as ringworm.

Other Things To Consider

Another important part of hair loss information is to determine when you need to visit your doctor. You should visit your doctor under several conditions. First is you have an atypical balding pattern. Also if you are losing hair rapidly or at an early age. If your hair loss is accompanied by any pain or itching. If you have red, scaly or otherwise abnormal skin on your scalp. If there are other acne, facial hair or menstrual irregularities. If you have bald spots on other areas of your body such as the beard or eyebrows.

Will your doctor be able to help you? If you are suffering baldness as a result of another ailment, your doctor will no doubt be able to provide you with medication to overcome these ailments and as a result you may experience hair re-growth.

If your doctor cannot diagnose any ailment that might be contributing to your hair loss he or she will probably refer you to a hair clinic for further treatment.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Bad Breath Causes and Cures- What They Don't Tell You

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath (halitosis) is a common for many people and can be rather embarrassing.  Bad breath can be a big turn off for those around you and if it is a condition that you suffer from long term you may notice that people may stand back from you when talking to you.

There are many causes of bad breath with some being chronic conditions and others being short term causes. In this article we will discuss the causes of bad breath as well as the cures.

Causes of Bad Breath
One of the very common but reasonably short term causes of bad breath is eating foods that cause bad breath with the main food being garlic.  Garlic will even carry on causing bad breath for a while even after there is no trace of the garlic left in the mouth.  This is because the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood stream and are then expelled by the lungs as you breathe.

No matter how much you brush and floss you will still experience bad breath if the odour is still released through your breath.  The good thing with ‘garlic breath’ is that it will fade of and your breath will return to normal usually within a few hours.

Smoking is another substance that will cause bad breath by both the taste left in the mouth as well as the expelled odour from the lungs. Smoking also affects oral hygiene and encourages gum disease which can also be a big contributing factor to bad breath.  The obvious and only way to stop bad breath caused by smoking is to give up smoking.

The most common cause of chronic bad breath is usually plaque build up which can cause small pockets to appear between the teeth and gums.  These pockets then fill up with food particles and bacteria.  Normal brushing and even flossing will not be able to clean these pockets completely and it needs to be done by a dental hygienist.

One of the main causes of bad breath is dry mouth.  Dry mouth can be caused by allergies and can also be caused by some medications such as asthma and bronchitis inhalers.  These medications can have an impact on your saliva production and actually a reduction in the amount saliva produced.  This causes your mouth to become dry and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive.  The build up of bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue is what causes the bad breath. 

Another cause of bad breath is post-nasal drip which can be as a result of an allergy.  Post-nasal drip is caused by excessive mucus being produced by the sinuses which is a common reaction to allergy.  This mucus is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria growth and the bacteria will feed off this condition which will result in bad breath.  This cause will usually be accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth.

The final cause of bad breath is a possible allergy to certain foods. Food intolerance can have many different symptoms and one common symptom is the production of excess gas in the stomach.  This gas can often reflux back up and settle in the mouth causing bad breath.

In some cases bad breath can be caused by a more serious underlying condition so if the usual bad breath remedies don’t get rid of the problem then you may need to visit your doctor.

Cures for Bad Breath
There are many cures and remedies for bad breath but to get the best result it is best to try and identify the cause of the bad breath.  By attacking the cause will give you the best results.

Here are some cures that you can try for bad breath:

The key to bad breath control lies in a sound oral hygiene routine.  Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss once a day. Research has shown that people that floss do have better breath than people who don’t floss.  Flossing will help to remove trapped food particles and prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you have dry mouth you may be able to get an artificial saliva substitute from your dentist.  If you have an allergy that is causing your dry mouth then it would pay to try to identify your allergen and work on avoiding that allergen.

Visit a dental hygienist regularly for a professional clean.  You should have this done every six months to make sure of no plaque build up between teeth.

Minimize the food supply for bacteria. The anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath thrive on protein rich foods. Vegetarians who eat less protein foods have much less problems with bad breath.

Using mouthwashes too often can not always be that good for you as they contain chemicals, however you can use a mouthwash of baking soda dissolved in water daily without any risk.  This is a natural remedy and is very safe to use daily and can help to keep the tongue clean and free from bacteria.  Squeezed lemon into water can also be used daily as a gargle and will prevent bad breath from reoccurring.

Take yoghurt regularly as it can help to cure bad breath and prevent it reoccurring.  Yoghurt contains good bacteria and has a very good overall benefit for your health.

Foods rich in zinc can also help to keep bacteria under control and prevent bad breath.

All of these remedies are very good so if you have no luck with them there could be another cause that you will need to see your doctor to get diagnosed so that you can take the necessary steps to heal yourself and heal your bad breath.

Alternatively, you can learn how to identify the causes of bad breath with our Free Bad Breath Report at Learn how you can get rid of bad breath today and unleash your fresh smelling breath within you!


What Is A Yeast Infection And How Do You Get It?

How do you get a yeast infection? The vagina creates it’s own environment which maintains its own balance of microorganisms. If these organisms get out of balance a yeast infection is the result. For example when the fungus Candida Albicans disturbes this balance, the  Candida can then multiply unchecked and the result is a vaginal yeast infection. The natural balance of these microorganisms can be disrupted by a variety of causes

A Yeast Infection Can Be Caused By The Following Factors:

1. By the excessive use of antibiotics which can destroy the good bacteria that help to protect the vagina. During or after the use of antibiotics a vaginal yeast infection can develop especially if you are taking the antibiotics for other minor conditions such as strep throat.
2. Steroids are another medicine that can cause an infection.
3. Those with diabetes have a lower glycogen store in their vaginal cells. In addition, diabetes can also cause  a rise in the sugar content of their vagina which can increase the likelihood of developing a yeast infection.
4. Those with a weakened immune system can develop a yeast infection this may include those with HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, cancer, chemotherapy or anyone taking drugs that weaken the immune system.
5. A yeast infection is also agrevated by body changes such as ovulation, menopause, pregnancy, birth control pills and hormone therapy.
6. Wearing underwear that is tight or made of material other than cotton can increase the temperature, moisture and local irritation in the vagina which can lead to an infection.
7. Use of douches or feminine sprays has been known to cause yeast infections.
8. Tiny scratches in the vagina can also cause a yeast infection such as during the insertion of a tampon.

How To Reduce The Conditions that Nurture It?

Now that you know how you get a yeast infection, let’s consider ways to reduce the conditions that nurture it. Some of these conditionss you can control such as unnecessary use of antibiotics; poorly controlled diabetes; wearing tight fitting and nonabsorbent pants or undergarments that hold in warmth and moisture; using any feminine hygiene sprays such as talcs or perfumes in the vaginal area; douching; or using intrauterine devices.

Unfortunately there are conditions that you can’t control such as:
1. an impaired immune system which affects the bodies ability to maintain a normal balance in the organisms in the vagina,
2. pregnancy, which changes the hormone levels in your body and the balance of organisms in the vagina.
3. undiagnosed diabetes which affects the normal balance of organisms in the vagina because of a change in blood sugar levels.

Although yeast infections are not sexually transmitted, you may be at an increased risk of developing an imbalance in the organisms particularly when you consider the risk factors for a sexually transmitted disease.

How you get a yeast infection can be out of your control, however, by taking the above mentioned preventions and keeping a watch on your condition particularly during periods where your physical conditions are changing quick and easy traetments are available to cure this condition.


Winning The War Against Heroin Addiction

Please do not delude yourself, heroin addiction is rampant, gone are the days when heroin addiction was restricted to the innercity slums, the reality is that heroin addicts can be found in city law offices, in managerial circles at the big end of town, it is everywhere. Every day, thousands across the country are engaged in the battle against heroin addiction. Methadone clinics have sprouted up all over the around the country and are helping a lot providing many with a chance to quit using this dangerous drug, unfortunately, many others still do not have access to this help. Yet others using these clinics replace their addiction to heroin with an addiction to methadone.

Heroin addiction does not discriminate, it can strike anyone; but with the proper attention, it can be overcome. Heroin addiction not only affects the addict but in most cases draws family and friends into the foray as well.

Finding Drug Rehabilitation

It is usually a fruitless exercise to throw an addict into rehabilitation unless he or she has admitted that they have a major problem that is too big for them to get out of by themselves. This job requires professional drug rehabilitation. It is virtually impossible to combat this terrible addiction on your own without professional help.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are addicted to heroin, realize it and desperately want help, enroll yourself immediately into a rehabilitation program irrespective of your financial situation, there is help ready to assist you. Thankfully, there are many rehabilitation clinics that offer programs for those with little or no income; state medical programs often cover this type of treatment.

It is normal for a rehabilitation program, to last anywhere between 30 and 90 days; this all depends on the individual situation. In most cases, methadone is used as a heroin replacement, which is administered in decreasing doses, so as to wean your body gradually off of the drug.

Under certain circumstances a rapid detoxification program is used to rid the body of all traces of the drug quickly. This is only done under the guidance of professional personnel. Obviously every case is different, this has created several schools of thought pertaining to  which type of detoxification works best; irrespective of the preferred treatment the fact remains that heroin addiction is destructive, dangerous and in often life threatening in nature.

Support Of Family And Friends Is Vital Both during And After The Rehab Program.

Because you have completed a rehabilitation program this does not mean you are out of the woods, far from it, the real battle has only just begun. It is important you own your addiction, and make the conscious choice to never surrender to your cravings. By having a strong support system in place it is much easier to stay in the winning way, this is most definitely needed before you are released from your rehabilitation program. Family and friends are a great comfort, and there are countless support groups available, such as Narcotics Anonymous, where you can find daily support from those who are just like you.

Congratulations, by admitting that you are addicted to heroin you have taken the first most important step along the road to recovery. It is up to you to do whatever it takes to fight this battle – your family, your friends, and, most importantly,  your life will be changed for the best as you overcome heroin addiction.


Cholesterol Fact Sheet: The Facts That Could Save Your Life

Although our bodies need a small amount of cholesterol to remain healthy, a lot  of this waxy fat-like substance can in fact cause an increased of problems in our bodies.

 Most literature that features cholesterol information points out that too much cholesterol in our system many lead to the hardening of the arteries that leads to our heart.

According to these medical cholesterol fact sheets, when the arteries leading to our heart harden, coronary heart disease may possibly increase. If you do not wish to end up with a faulty heart, you should learn more about the effects of too much cholesterol in your body.

Where do you find reliable materials about cholesterol? The best way to learn more about cholesterol is to talk to your doctor. Ask your doctor for some cholesterol fact sheet material that you can read. Aside from asking for cholesterol fact sheet from your doctor, you can also do some research either online or offline. There is plenty of information about cholesterol on the Internet so all you need to do is launch a search.

What Types Of Cholesterol Are There

According to studies, there are at least four known types of cholesterol. The low-density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as the bad cholesterol, are the primary culprit for coronary diseases. Most cholesterol fact sheet material will tell you that this type of cholesterol is potentially dangerous to your heart and you should avoid this type of cholesterol as much as you can. The higher the level of the LDL in your blood, the higher your risk of coronary heart disease. While LDL is bad, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are good. According to experts, HDL helps the body get rid of the bad cholesterol. To stay healthy and strong, you need to eat more food that contains HDL and less food that contains LDL. Fruits, vegetables and whole grain contain plenty of HDL.

Another type of cholesterol is the very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). According to many cholesterol experts, the VLDL is just as bad as the LDL. Like the LDL, the VLDL is composed mostly of fat and have too little protein. The VLDL is also known to carry triglycerides into the blood stream. Triglycerides usually form when there are excess sugars, calories or alcohol in the body. Like the LDL and VLDL, triglycerides can have some negative effects on the body. Triglyceride deposits in the blood can cause hardening of the arteries that may lead to some fatal heart diseases.



Herbal Treatment For Diabetes : Fact Or Myth.

Diabetes has been recognized by western medicine since the early 1800’s as being one of the most prevalent and controllable conditions affecting a large portion of the population. However, Asian cultures have recognized this fact much earlier and and have developed and been using herbal treatments for diabetes for centuries. These treatments are widely regarded as effective, even today.

It must firstly be recognized that most of the herbal treatment for diabetes are not recommended for those requiring insulin treatment. This is because  the majority of the herbs being used have proven effective in helping to restore the body’s ability to control the blood sugar level by boosting the effectiveness of the body’s own insulin. If the body is not producing insulin there is nothing to boost and, research suggests, the use of these herbal treatments will not have the needed effect.

This has obviously produced the skeptics who claim that the proponents of herbal medication are in the business simply for the money and find argument against the use of herbs in medicine. Conversely, the herbalists claim is that since the drug companies cannot patent herbs and other herbal treatments for diabetes, they cannot make money from their use therefore they condemn them as ineffective.

There Is Still No Cure For This Treatable Disease

Despite decades of research there is no known cure for diabetes and none is on the horizon. It is essentially the body’s inability to regulate the amount of blood sugar in the system. While in many cases medicine to help dissolve and reduce the blood sugar offers dramatic improvement, it is still necessary for some patients to require insulin injections to keep it under control. Owing to the lack of research,There are few arguments that indicate that herbal treatments for diabetes may not be effective.

As most herbal treatments for diabetes are shown to improve the reduction of blood sugar levels by helping insulin do its job, it stands to reason that for those who’s bodies don’t produce insulin herbal treatment  cannot provide that help. (more info on diabetes at )

Possibly one of the best ways a person with diabetes can help himself or herself is through a proper nutritional diet, regular exercise and monitoring their blood sugar level. Fortunately, testing equipment is readily available and is typically done through blood samples with many home testing kits offering accurate readings and can be done numerous times throughout the day.

As soon as a person is diagnosed with diabetes, and their doctor starts them on a prescription regimen they should not eliminate the medicine in favor of a herbal treatment for diabetes without consulting their physician. It is very important that They increase the monitoring of their blood sugar level and notify their doctor of any change, good or bad.

Many diabetes sufferers can dramatically improve their blood sugar levels and consequently improve their overall wellbeing by cutting out the fatty, sweet elements of their diets by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables  and getting into a regular routine of exercise.


Basics of the Perricone Diet

The focus of the Perricone diet i.e. the diet plan set by renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone is on looking younger and increasing longevity rather than on bringing about weight loss. These are a host of benefits that such diet plan provides. Here are the commonly observed gains reaped by resorting to the diet plan-


These are significant health benefits indeed and these account for the popularity of the diet plan the world over. People following it have been acclaiming the Perricone diet plan and have been recommending it to others too.


The Perricone diet plan basics


The Perricone diet is set based on Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s Inflammation Theory of Aging that points out that the food that is eaten by us leads to inflammations being caused and it is this inflammation that leads to aging. Just as in case of other fad diets there is a ‘villain’ in case of Perricone diet too. The ‘villain’ or ‘culprit’ that is to be dealt with/combated by the Perricone diet is inflammation.


Inflammations or the swellings are the causative factors of wrinkles, acne and other skin problems. These are the causes of a number of other medical problems too. The root cause of the inflammations or swellings lies in taking in the wrong foods. It is the bad or wrong choices of foods that are directly responsible for the wrinkles, degenerative diseases etc. as also of the hastening of the aging process.


According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, by adhering to the diet schedule as set by him- following his diet and regimen of supplements and lotions the process of aging can actually be reversed. The Perricone diet assures to make anyone look younger within a time period of even just three days.


It must be remembered that the Perricone diet is a costly diet and requires strict adherence. The diet classifies inflammatory foods as the ones that include high carbohydrate and high glycerin items. Bread, pasta and sugar or sugar containing foods are some common inflammatory foods. As per the diet plan such foods ought to be totally excluded from the diet for a continuous period of 28 days and in their place anti inflammatory food items like salmon, avocado, berries etc. are to be taken in. This will ensure better health and will benefit the skin too. So, a healthier and more attractive body and skin is what is achieved by having recourse to the Perricone diet.


Some Perricone diet suggestions seem sensible and rest on accepted scientific bases while others may seem not explanatory enough. However, though the diet is unproven to a large extent yet its benefits being apparent qualifies it as a worthy diet plan to follow.  



Does Vitamin Deficiency Cause Temporary Hair Loss?

We all need a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements to provide us with a balanced diet for good health.

For those whose hair lines are receding the search goes on to find the cure. What they might not understand is that in most cases, it is completely normal for hair to fall out.  Permanent hair loss, or pattern baldness, occurs when genetics prevent new hair from growing sufficiently to replace the ones that fall out.

It must be recognized that there are other cases when hair loss can be a sign of a serious medical problem.  This condition is known as temporary hair loss, because genes did not predetermine the loss of hair.  A major cause of temporary hair loss is vitamin deficiency.

Are There Vitamins That Prevent Hair Loss?

Vitamins are extremely important to maintaining a healthy head of hair.  Hair loss could be caused by a deficiency of one or several vitamins in any of these nutrients.  Fortunately, all that is necessary to reverse the temporary hair loss is following a helthy diet!

For example, vitamin A promotes the healthy growth of both cells and tissue in various parts of the body, including the cells in the scalp and hair.  A deficiency in vitamin A can lead to hair loss and dandruff, especially if the deficiency occurs for an extended period of time.  We recommend that you get the vitamin A you need by consuming lots of leafy vegetables, colorful fruits, liver, eggs, and fish oil.

If you are suffering from anyone of three vitamin B deficiencies, (more specifically folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12) are important to the creation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.  The hemoglobin transports oxygen to various body tissues, including the hair cells.  A deficiency in vitamin B may cause hair loss due to the resulting reduced blood and oxygen supply to the hair.  We suggest you eat plenty of chicken, fish, whole grains, beets, and orange juice to strengthen your intake of vitamin B.

Also being deficient in biotin could cause hair loss.  Though deficiency in biotin is rare, it has been observed in some cases.  Biotin is found in select foods, it is also produced in the intestines by good bacteria.  Most people who eat a healthy diet would never experience hair loss as a result of deficiency in this vitamin.  However, if this does occur, vitamin supplements can be taken.

Is There Anything Else You Should Know?

The following vitamins and minerals are important to the growth and maintenance of hair.  These vitamins and minerals include zinc, iron, vitamin C, and copper.  If you do not receive an adequate amount of these vitamins, make sure to look for food sources rich in these vitamins and minerals or begin taking supplements.

Is It Really Thatt Easy!

If you are suffering from hair loss, you are no doubt willing to go to any extent to find a cure. For some, it’s as easy as making changes to their diet.  Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could simply change their eating habits to get the results they want to see?  

As modern medicine continues in research and development, it is not to hard to conceive that some of the hair loss treatments available today do actually work in stimulating re-growth of the hair follicles where once there was none. No individual is the same and each may react differently to different treatments therefore, it may require you to try different treatments before finding the one that works for you.


How do we Cope with Depression

Clinical depression is becoming more and more common these days.  Whether it's because doctors are quicker to diagnosis the condition or are becoming more accurate in their diagnosis, or if there is some other reason for the rising numbers of this condition, some believe that up to one in four adults in the U.S. suffer from clinical depression.  It's important to remember that there is a difference between other types of sadness such as grief over someone's death or the loss of something else in your life and actual clinical depression, but if you have gotten a diagnosis from a health care professional how can you then deal with this condition?

For one thing it's important to remember that you don't want to give in to the disease no matter how tempting it may be.  Most with clinical depression lose interest in all aspects of their life and often feel as if they just don't want to get out of bed at all, ever.  While these thoughts can be very overwhelming at times, it's a mistake to give in to them.  Staying in bed or isolating oneself is only going to make the condition much worse and probably affect those around you.  Depression is much like other conditions or diseases wherein the patient needs to do all they can to work around it rather than give in to it.  A person with a broken leg may be tempted to just sit in a chair and never go out anymore, but this won't help them heal and can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.  The same with your condition - staying in and isolating oneself only makes it worse.  It's also noted that activities like regular exercise, volunteer work, and connecting with friends and family do not actually cure depression but they can help to make you feel better about yourself overall.  It's very difficult to force yourself to go out and exercise when you feel as you just want to sleep, or to connect with your family when you feel awful about yourself, but sometimes the things we need to force ourselves to do are often the best things for us.

Another reason it's important to face your Depression head-on is because this condition often affects friends, family, and your own career.  If you stay in bed all day how will this affect your children or your spouse?  If you allow yourself to get overwhelmed at work, how will this affect your job performance?  It's been said that you don't need to wait until you feel motivated to actually follow through with something, and of course clinical depression often takes away a patient's motivation for anything.  But rather than waiting until you "feel like" going to work or you "want" to give your kids attention, it's best to do those things anyway with or without motivation.

Your doctor really knows best in this situation and you should take extra precautions to follow his instructions carefully.Stopping your meds without the permission of your doctor is very serious and can prodcuc tragic results. the premiere place to go on the internet to get tons of free information on Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Why do Teans suffer from Depression

More and more cases of depression in teens are being reported today by doctors and scientists.  This may be because more teens are asking for help with their condition, because doctors are getting better at diagnosing the condition, or simply because there are more and more cases to be reported.  Or it may be a combination of these various factors, but whatever the reason, Depression in Teens is not something that should be ignored.  It's unfortunate that some extreme cases have led to tragedy, so whether you're a teen concerned with your condition or a parent, it's important to sit up and take note, and then take action.

The many causes of depression in teens range from physical problems internally to external circumstances that cause them to learn depression.  Depression itself is caused by a chemical reaction in the brain, where it does not regulate and release a chemical necessary for a good mood.  When this chemical is not released properly, not only is there a lack of happiness but the overall mood is sadness.Alot of times you may find that the brain is not releasing the proper chemical and there are problems with imbalance.  Other physical causes include the fluctuation of hormones that are common during puberty; sometimes these fluctuations can be so severe that depression can set it.  Some of these physical causes of depression in teens can go away over time, as they get older and those hormones level off.Don't ever dance with the devil and ignore some of the symptoms and other issues.

It's thought that problems such as bullying can cause Depression .  Keep in mind that often when a person feels trapped and helpless in their situation this can lead to depression, regardless of the situation they feel trapped in - a bad marriage, severe debt, a stressful job, and so on.A feeling of helplessness in bad situations at school, work, or even at home can really be difficult for teens especially if they feel as if they don't have someone to talk to about thier problems.  This helplessness and frustration with the problem, as well as the humiliation they may be suffering, can often cause depression in teens.In reality a lot of situations are similar to how a teen may feel when he or she is pressured to do something.  For instance if they live in an abusive home or even if one parent is negligent or abusive, if they are using any kind of drugs, if they have failing grades, or if they feel they are under tremendous amounts of pressure to perform academically or athletically, these factors too can cause depression in teens.

There are many ways to treat depression in teens and having a good support system is of utmost importance.  Teens should be able to approach their parents with any problem they have an know that they won't be chastised or punished but rather will be helped and assisted, and depression should be no different.


Is Juvenile Rheumatoid Arhtritis Your Child?

It is widely understood that arthritis, inflammation of bone joints, is normally associated with an illness affecting people over the age of 50. Therefore it will come as a massive surprise to parents when their children are diagnosed with it. Even more surprising is the fact that approximately 300,000 children in the United States alone have some form of arthritis, and that we the public are totally unaware of this fact.

Infact, Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting around 60,000 children. Unfortunately, doctors are not yet certain as to what causes juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, however, there are indications that it is associated with  the autoimmune system, where white blood cells are unable to differentiate between normal and foreign cells. Although being dissimilar to the adult form of rheumatoid arthritis It is imperative that all parents be educated about this debilitating childrens disease..

What are the Symptoms

As you have no doubt experienced, it is quite normal for kids to complain off and on about having sore joints and it is usually put down to growing pains. However, it may actually be more. If your child develops a limp and continually complains of sore joints  associated with rashes and spikes in temperature, like fits of fever, this may indicate that juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is present. Under these conditions it is important to get him/her into the doctors surgery asap. The quicker a diagnosis is made the less damage will occur to cartilage and the joints affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Diagnosis Of the Ailment

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is easily diagnosed, there are a wide array of tests, available some of the more regular Diagnostic tools including blood tests, X-rays, and complete physical examinations are necessary. Other tests for other diseases known to be linked to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis may be performed, it is also likely that a referral to an orthopedic surgeon will be made to take samples of joint fluid for testing and further analysis. A diagnosis usually takes a number of days, upon receipt of the results of these tests, the pediatrician or doctor will work together with the orthopedic surgeon and any other medical professionals to develop a strategy to cure the child of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Fortunately It Is Easily Treatable

In complete contrast to the adult variety which does not have any known cure, the good news for both the child suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis along with the parents is that this form of the disease is easy to treat. Doctors can prescribe medication to help with the swelling and inflammation of the joints along with a referral to a physical therapist. Who design and implement a set of exercises to improve the arthritis and improve muscle stamina and joint flexibility. Regular exercise is vitally important to ensure that the child is protected against further arthritis by protecting bones and joints. Treatment actually serves two purposes:
1. to protect and repair the joints from damage , and
2. reducing or eliminating the inflammation and pain.

Unfortunately the  nature of the disease makes a child's life miserable. This disease can harm their social skills and make them irritable while hindering their physical development. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is unsettling for parents, and is likely to necessitate major changes in lifestyle to insure that their child’s overall health is ensured and wont be harmed by the disease.


Can Medicinal Herbs Work As An Alternative To Mainline Medicine?

Why is it that modern medicine and more importantly the pharmaceutical industry have long desired to refute the claimed benefits of consuming medicinal herbs, however, there are those who believe that the healing power of herbs live on. May it be recognized that contradicting many research studies is the fact that many herbs are used in the manufacture of today’s medicine, thereby cementing the notion that medicinal herbs can be useful in protecting and curing some illnesses.

In the past testing of a medicinal herb was based on patients use to record its effects. In a simplistic wayIf the result was positive as well as repeatable, the herb was prescribed for the particular illness for which id had been used. On the other hand, if the results were singular and its effect could not be repeated, its use was discontinued and put on a list of worthless theories.

When reflecting upon these findings, many herbalists believe that requirements of the test may have been slanted. As with some conventional medicine, medicinal herbs  do not have the same effect on every patient and they believe the test groupings may have been too small to accurately depict the benefit of the medicinal herb.

It is well known that in most cases the taking of a medicinal herb usually shows no sign of ill effects, however, there are some natural herbs that can cause problems in humans. Therefore, as with modern medicine, any medicinal herb should be taken with caution and only in prescribed dosages given by a trained herbalist.

Herbs Have Generations Of History On Their Side

It is believed that the Chinese were the first to use any medicinal herb for treating illnesses. In fact there are medical journals that date back around 5000 years listing various known herbal medications, it has also been discovered that ancient Greece and Egypt counted the medicinal herb as an important part of health care, thousands of yeards ago. Many of the herbs they used are still being used by naturalists around the world and many are also marketed for the specific ailments for which they have been used back then.

It is regrettable that the use of medicinal herbs has been a cause of concern for many medical professionals due to the lack of control over their use in over the counter products sold in many drug stores and health stores. Owing to the lack of control in the manufacturing process of these herbal medicines, the claim is that mixing certain herbs and other natural products may cause side effects of which the consumer is unaware..

Let us take as an example, of one of the medicinal herbs used today, is red clover, which grows wild in many parts of the country. It is claimed to have healing tendencies for skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis as well as chronic degenerative diseases and dry cough. Unfortunately, there is little information concerning the proper dosage and application of the clover to achieve the most benefits. Irrespective of the innumerable documented successful  treatments of cases of eczema, psoriasis etc modern medicine still refuses to recognize that medicinal herbs do have healing qualities preferring to promote the products of large pharmaceutical companies instead.


Dummies Guide To Bad Breath Causes and Cures

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath (halitosis) is a common for many people and can be rather embarrassing.  Bad breath can be a big turn off for those around you and if it is a condition that you suffer from long term you may notice that people may stand back from you when talking to you.

There are many causes of bad breath with some being chronic conditions and others being short term causes. In this article we will discuss the causes of bad breath as well as the cures.

Causes of Bad Breath
One of the very common but reasonably short term causes of bad breath is eating foods that cause bad breath with the main food being garlic.  Garlic will even carry on causing bad breath for a while even after there is no trace of the garlic left in the mouth.  This is because the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood stream and are then expelled by the lungs as you breathe.

Brushing and flossing can disguise the smell a little but as long as the odour continues to be expelled as you breathe there will still be a certain amount of bad breath.  The good thing with ‘garlic breath’ is that it will fade of and your breath will return to normal usually within a few hours.

Smoking is another substance that will cause bad breath by both the taste left in the mouth as well as the expelled odour from the lungs. Smoking also affects oral hygiene and encourages gum disease which can also be a big contributing factor to bad breath.  The obvious and only way to stop bad breath caused by smoking is to give up smoking.

The most common cause of chronic bad breath is usually plaque build up which can cause small pockets to appear between the teeth and gums.  These pockets then fill up with food particles and bacteria.  Normal brushing and even flossing will not be able to clean these pockets completely and it needs to be done by a dental hygienist.

One of the main causes of bad breath is dry mouth.  Dry mouth can be caused by allergies and can also be caused by some medications such as asthma and bronchitis inhalers.  These medications can have an impact on your saliva production and actually a reduction in the amount saliva produced.  This causes your mouth to become dry and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive.  The build up of bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue is what causes the bad breath. 

Another cause of bad breath is post-nasal drip which can be as a result of an allergy.  Post-nasal drip is caused by excessive mucus being produced by the sinuses which is a common reaction to allergy.  This mucus is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria growth and the bacteria will feed off this condition which will result in bad breath.  This cause will usually be accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth.

The final cause of bad breath is a possible allergy to certain foods. Food intolerance can have many different symptoms and one common symptom is the production of excess gas in the stomach.  This gas can often reflux back up and settle in the mouth causing bad breath.

In some cases bad breath can be caused by a more serious underlying condition so if the usual bad breath remedies don’t get rid of the problem then you may need to visit your doctor.

Cures for Bad Breath
There are many cures and remedies for bad breath but to get the best result it is best to try and identify the cause of the bad breath.  By attacking the cause will give you the best results.

Here are some cures that you can try for bad breath:

The first thing to do is make sure you have a good oral hygiene routine.  Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss once a day. Research has shown that people that floss do have better breath than people who don’t floss.  Flossing will help to remove trapped food particles and prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you have dry mouth you may be able to get an artificial saliva substitute from your dentist.  If you have an allergy that is causing your dry mouth then it would pay to try to identify your allergen and work on avoiding that allergen.

Visit a dental hygienist regularly for a professional clean.  You should have this done every six months to make sure of no plaque build up between teeth.

Minimize the food supply for bacteria. The bacteria that cause bad breath thrive on protein rich foods. Vegetarians who eat less protein foods have much less problems with bad breath.

Using mouthwashes too often can not always be that good for you as they contain chemicals, however you can use a mouthwash of baking soda dissolved in water daily without any risk.  This is a natural remedy and is very safe to use daily and can help to keep the tongue clean and free from bacteria.  Squeezed lemon into water can also be used daily as a gargle and will prevent bad breath from reoccurring.

Adding yoghurt to your diet on a regular basis, preferably daily, can help to cure bad breath and prevent it reoccurring.  Yoghurt contains good bacteria and has a very good overall benefit for your health.

Foods rich in zinc can also help to keep bacteria under control and prevent bad breath.

All of these remedies are very good so if you have no luck with them there could be another cause that you will need to see your doctor to get diagnosed so that you can take the necessary steps to heal yourself and heal your bad breath.


Are You At Risk Of Diabetes?

Diabetes is an increasing problem in most developed nations. Larger percentages of people are learning to live with diabetes. Unsurprisingly, these new cases of diabetes are threatening to overwhelm the healthcare systems of these countries.

The best way to avoid diabetes is through diet and exercise. A normal weight and plenty of exercise really help in avoiding the disease.

But if you get diabetes, the next best thing is early detection of the disease. On the whole, the sooner it's diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. You are able to avoid medication and treat their condition through careful eating and consistent exercise.

Common symptoms of diabetes include:

If you suspect you might have diabetes, don't hesitate! Go immediately to see your doctor. A simple blood sugar test will quickly tell the doctor if you have diabetes. The sooner you know, the better off you'll be in treating the disease.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Understanding What Heart Burn Is Allows You To Effectively Treat It.

Have a look at the human body, it is a marvelous machine and all the systems are designed to work in harmony. However, when we introduce excessive, hard to digest foods into our stomachs the digestive system may over react and cause you what is known as heartburn.

It is necessary to understand exactly what happens in your body to create this painful sensation after a meal. At the base of your esophagus, there is a ring-like muscle that is called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. Normally, this muscle relaxes to allow food to move from your esophagus into your stomach, where it is digested by your stomach acids. The LES then closes, so that the food and acid inside your stomach cannot creep back up the digestive tract into your esophagus. If this muscle does not work properly for one reason or another, substances in the stomach can indeed come back up, resulting in burning as the stomach acids reach the esophageal lining and a bitter taste as they make their way to your throat and mouth. This is heart burn.

Heart burn happens to nearly all of us at one time or another. You enjoy a delicious meal, settle in for some relaxation afterward, and then it hits. The burning sensation in your chest and the bitter taste in your mouth. For some, the burning gets so intense that it feels as though your chest is on fire. This is where the term “heart burn” comes from, even though the pain has absolutely nothing to do with your heart. In some severe cases, heart burn can even be mistaken for a heart attack or vice versa – making this condition more serious than it really is. For most, the pain of heart burn is enough to leave us running for relief from our medicine cabinet. And the good news is that this solution is usually sufficient to put that burning sensation to rest once and for all.

Effective Heart Burn Medication

Most of us  who suffer from heart burn on occasion will benefit from an over the counter remedy when the condition strikes. This might include an antacid, like Rolaids that will neutralize the stomach acids quickly, giving you relief from the painful burning. Another good over the counter treatment for heart burn is an H-2-receptor blocker, such as Tagamet HB or Pepcid AC.

These medicications work differently from the antacids, because they actually reduce the production of acid rather than neutralizing it. And while they are not as speedy as their antacid counterparts, they do tend to bring relief for a longer period of time. Some heart burn sufferers will find that a 1-2 punch will work the best on this condition, with an antacid bringing immediate help while the H-2-receptor blocker will offer relief over the long term.

If you are unfortunate enough to continue to suffer from bouts of heartburn, it is probably a good idea to visit your doctor to discuss your problem as there may be other causes working that are influencing your problem. These may include reactions from medication through to the occurance of ulcers. Naturally the doctor will carry out tests to determine the exact problem and act occordingly.


Healthy Food That Reduces Indigestion

Our lifestyles seem to have taken on an ever increasing pace of activity, we all seem to be working harder and longer hours, rushing our meals absorbing the stresses of the world and are therefore suffering from heartburn and indigestion in far greater numbers..

Though there are many different potential causes of indigestion.  The main culprit responsible for most cases of indigestion is our frantic lifestyle and behavioral choices.  These factors are ones that can be controlled and changed—that is, once they have been identified.

By identifying foods that help to relieve  indigestion, as well as those foods that cause indigestion, you will be able to make healthier choices that will lead us to prevention of the on set of heartburn.

Which Foods Help Indigestion?

There are certain foods that help indigestion.  Eating these foods can not only help indigestion, but they can also prevent it before it occurs.  Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, are known for being foods that help indigestion.  Mixing honey in your milk can also prevent symptoms of indigestion.

Neutral Foods

Some foods are neutral in terms of indigestion—they don’t contribute to it, but they don’t protect against it either.  Examples of such foods include: apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, peas, skinless chicken, extra-lean ground beef, London Broil, low-fat soy cheese, feta or goat cheese, fat-free sour cream, corn bread, pretzels, graham crackers, rice cakes, multi-grain or white bread, baked potato chips, licorice, and jelly beans.

Foods That Promote Indigestion

While there are some foods that help indigestion, there are also other foods that only contribute to it.  Knowing which foods cause indigestion is perhaps even more important than knowing which foods help indigestion, because being aware of the foods that contribute to it means that it will be easier for you to avoid them or replace them with more suitable foods.

Here is a list of foods that are known to contribute towards producing indigestion.

It is important to avoid coffee, tea, sodas, and other caffeinated or carbonated drinks.  Additionally, citrus fruits and juices are known to cause indigestion due to their acidity.  Alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, peppermint, pickled foods, tomatoes, tomato-related products, and all fried or fatty foods can be linked to indigestion.

Though these foods are the most common culprits of indigestion, everyone is different and thus might have a different food that triggers indigestion within them. Listen to what your body is telling you—if you experience symptoms of indigestion after eating a certain food, then you should avoid that food in the future.

No More Excuses

Modern lifestyle makes it too easy to indulge in the wrong foods, but knowing what role different foods play in your diet can be eye opening for most of us.  For those who have ignored the health consequences of their poor food choices, knowing about foods that help indigestion and foods that cause indigestion means that they have no more excuses to live an unhealthy life and therefore suffering from the pains of heartburn.


Prevent Eye Diseases And Deteriorating Eye Sight With Regular Eye Care Exams.

Being your windows to the world it is important to keep your eyes in good condition. Remember your eyes are subject to wear and tear be it from the ultra violet rays of the sun, pollution and dust in the air, transmittable diseases or stress from looking at a computer screen all day.

We all regularly go to our family doctors for a physical exam to check how our overall health is.  The minority take their health for granted. Why is it then that many of us exclude our eye sight from the annual checkup? To guarantee healthy and normal vision, an annual visit to your eye doctor for your eye care exam is important.

Our brain receives sensory information from our eyes giving us a clear picture of our surrounds. Therefore keeping them in optimum shape will ensure proper signals being received by the brain insuring consequential action and reactions. If your vision is deteriorating your life performance will be affected.

We recommend that eye care exams should start from a very early age, that is even babies of 2-6 months should have their eyes checked to correct any abnormalities, while children entering primary school and again when entering secondary school should also have eye care exams which will detect any vision problems allowing corrective action to be taken to rectify the problem.

Unfortunately, as we age it becomes more important to have an eye care exam performed yearly, so that every time you visit your eye doctor they can evaluate any changes in your vision condition and help you correct any difficulties that you may have with your sight. Early diagnosis of problems will decrease the chance of severe damage to our sight.

It is proven that Elderly citizens are more susceptible to vision loss, they should be aware that the probability of having vision disorders increases with age, even though you might not be experiencing any problem, therefore you should visit your eye doctor regularly for an eye care exam.

Eye care exams are painless and informative methods for the assessment of your eyes. The eye doctors will test your visual acuity, (the clarity of your vision). During the eye care exam, the doctor will also check the muscles of the eyes, eye pressure, fluid circulation, retina and general condition of your eyes.. The routine eye examination is not painful or uncomfortable.

Doctors Who Do Eye Care Exams

Ophthalmologists are doctor’s who specialize in the comprehensive care of the eyes and visual system in the prevention of eye disease injury. They are medically trained specialists who can deliver total eye care exams, primary, secondary and tertiary care services and diagnose general diseases of the eyes.

Whereas the Optometrist is the health care professional who provides only primary care services. The services included are the comprehensive eye health and vision examinations: treatment and diagnosis of the vision disorders and eye diseases; the detection of general health problems; they prescribe the glasses, contact lenses, vision therapy, low vision rehabilitation and medications.

How Often Should You Have A Regular Eye Care Exam?

If you are having difficulties with your eyes, pain or visual disturbances or any other problem in the eyes, you should immediately make an appointment to see an eye doctor. However, if you are in good health and no known ailments, no vision problems, you can have an eye exam every two to four years provided your age is below forty.  However, for people with diabetes, you need frequent eye examinations to maintain good eye health.

The old adage "prevention is better than a cure”, so make sure you are aware of your vision and if you note any deterioration get on down and have an eye care exam.


Therapy is an Important Part of Treatment for Depression

There are many options one has today when it comes to treatment for depression.  New medications are being developed and marketed every single day, and the old medications are being improved upon as well.  The disease doesn't have as much of a stigma as it once did and this means that more and more people are open to getting help for their depression.  Treatment for depression can and should include not just medication but therapy as well.  This might mean group therapy or individual treatment.  What can one expect from such kind of treatment for depression?

It's important for a therapist to pinpoint whether or not depression is a physical condition or if it's been brought on by a traumatic experience or other situation.  Some who have survived childhood abuse, a crime, or a natural disaster are prone to depression.  Treatment for depression may include having the patient open up about their experiences in a safe and calm environment.  They can then face the feelings that these things have brought on.The worst part about fear of your feelings is facing them but then once you face them, things are put more into perspective.  The fear, anger, guilt, lack of self-esteem, and other problems can be effectively dealt with only if the patient undergoes this type of treatment for depression.  Bear in mind that when done under the supervision of a good therapist this type of therapy can be very effective and isn't as frightening as it sounds.

Additionally getting therapy as a part of treatment for depression can help the patient to replace their negative thinking with more positive ones.  While depression may be caused by physical problems, it results in negative and unhealthy thinking.  A depressed person often thinks "what's the point?" for virtually anything including spending time with friends and family and for their own career, and when they think "what's the point?" they may then think that there is no point to their family and their work.  Good treatment for depression will teach them that these thoughts are just part of their disease and they can replace those thoughts with healthier, more positive ones.Doctors spend a lot of time talking to their patient to remind them that with depression you are never motivated to do things so you need to force yourself to do things whether you feel like it or not.  If a depressed person gives in to this and waits for motivation before they take action, they may wind up isolating themselves and spending days in bed.  Effective therapy as treatment for depression can help them get past this thinking and realize they need to take action even if they're just going through the motions. 

A person may scoff at therapy as treatment for depression and some think that it means they have some type of character weakness, but in truth therapy is a very effective form of treatment.  Anyone suffering from depression should talk to their doctor about their options.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!



What not to Ignore with Depression

Today statistics claim that about one in four adult Americans has some form of depression or another.  However one in four adults do not see a doctor to treat the Signs of Depression .  Far too many ignore the symptoms and the signs and unfortunately in some cases this can lead to tragic consequences.  Why is it then that so many ignore even the most obvious signs of depression when help is just a doctor's appointment away?Ignoring the signs of depression may be because of the reasons that we mentioned above so lets explore that a little bit further. 

Gender Stigma

Even in our modern, enlightened times men are still sometimes expected to be a particular way when it comes to emotions.  They are often told to "buck up" and that it's just not very masculine to worry about your emotions and feelings.  This means that many men ignore the Signs of Depression because they're afraid of what other men might think.  If they are having a hard time coping with feelings of sadness, guilt, low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, and fear, they are usually prone to just swallow these feelings and ignore them.  Unfortunately these signs of depression can become very severe and interfere with a man's performance at work, his relationships at home, and with every other part of his life. 

Social Stigma

Men and women may assume that if they admit to any signs of depression then they will face social stigma from those around them.  This stigma might include anyone at work that comes into contact with their insurance information or friends and family that may hear about their treatment.Inside their minds they feel like depression is a weakness that they can control and they often thing that other people think the same thing.  They may have been raised in a home where signs of depression in others were mocked and ridiculed, or were told that psychiatrists were all "quacks" and that anyone that was depressed simply needed to snap out of it.

Afraid of Treatment

Some also ignore the signs of depression for the same reason they ignore the signs of other healthy problems - they're afraid of what the doctor will tell them.We seem to reason with ourselves that if we ignore a problem it will eventually just go away.  They may also be afraid of how they need to treat the signs of depression, assuming that they'll need to sit in a group therapy session and share embarrassing stories of their childhood.

Whatever the reasons, it's never a good idea to ignore the signs of depression.  If left unchecked depression can lead to even more serious problems with one's physical health and personal relationships.  Some have even lost their jobs because of the unchecked symptoms.The first and best thing to do is start to talk to your doctor right away if you see signs of depression.


DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. Showing up to the website qualifies you for a free ebook on Depression just to say thinks for checking us out. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!


What really is Manic Depression

Many people are confused about the many terms that are used when it comes to the subject of depression.  They often assume that there is just one type of depression and don't realize that not only are there different types of depression but it can affect people in different ways and various degrees.  One thing they are often confused about is manic depression, not realizing the many symptoms that are involved.  Depression is not simply an extreme form of depression the way one might think, but involves a wide variety of symptoms.

Many use the term bipolar disorder when speaking of manic depression and the two are the same condition.  As the word bipolar would suggest, there are two extremes in emotions and feelings when a person suffer from this condition.There are different forms that depression takes in everyone since we are all unique individuals and no two brains work alike.  With manic depression a sufferer experiences feelings of mania which is an energetic, almost euphoric state.  This isn't just regular energy that one would get after a good night's sleep or when you're in a good mood but is unbalanced and at times almost dangerous.Sudden different idea's such as moving across the country or paiting your house are things that may shwo that someone is in a manic state of mind.  They may wake their children in the middle of the night to play or get a sudden urge to clean all their closets and cupboards.  While these things may not seem dangerous, extreme forms of manic depression may make the person feel invincible and cause them to do something dangerous, such as crawl on their roof or drive at high speeds.Close friends and family members sometimes get the anger of the person as they go through their extrememe moods.

The other side of Manic Depression is the depressive state that affects a patient more than other depressive states.  Their depression is extreme and may cause them to stay in bed for days at a time, to neglect their own children and even their own hygiene and personal care.  Their depression may reach a state where they are even suicidal, wondering "what's the point?" no matter what they're doing or experiencing.  This depression may be difficult for the person with manic depression since they may have just been in a manic state only the day before, or even a few hours before.  They may assume they've just worn themselves out with the activities during the manic state.

Manic Depression is a very serious disease and it should never be brushed aside or ignored.  Anyone experiencing these wild mood swings would do well to pay attention to their own actions and if they are out of balance, they need to speak to a doctor immediately.  This disease can be treated with medication and sometimes even having an accurate diagnosis is a big help as well, but a person with manic depression should speak to a doctor rather than simply trying to treat or cope with it on their own.


DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!



Introduction to Reiki

Reiki energy works in concert with all other forms of therapy. It is a wonderful complement to other treatments. Reiki has become very popular and is now practiced around the world, although not usually in the traditional form Takata taught. Reiki practitioners usually seek this level of training when they are interested in increasing the power and scope of their Reiki practice. They have been attuned to Reiki Levels I and II, they have used Reiki extensively, and they wish to attain true mastery of the uses of Reiki energy, usually they learn also reading many Reiki Books and have an extense use of Reiki Stones.

Reiki distance treatments are learned advanced techniques for transferring Reiki energy to a distant time or location. Although we do not understand either the energy or how it works, there is considerable evidence that Reiki is able to travel independent of time or distance to deliver healing. Reiki is an amazingly simple technique to learn. It does not take years of practice, it is simply passed on through a series of attunements from a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher to the student. Reiki is a system for channeling that energy to someone for the purpose of healing. Usui in the late 1800's.

Reiki accomplishes this by providing the recipient enough energy to step above (metaphorically) to see all that and have the courage to let go. This usually does not happen consciously as a result of Reiki, but sometimes it does happen that Reiki gives the recipient the conscious awareness of the pattern and recognizing where it came from. Reiki Mastership programs are conducted only upon request by Reiki Practitioner who feels that they are ready for more responsibility and growth. And to be a master of their own destiny. Reiki directs healing to the areas of the person that will most benefit from it. It has been known to alleviate symptoms to such an extent that it initiates and helps to sustain periods of complete symptom remission.

Reiki helps to reinstate and balance out the flow of the life energy at all levels. When the life energy flows correctly, it is much easier to take up the task of living life as we would desire to. Reiki heals on all levels-Spiritual, mental, physical and emotional (as well as other levels of which we are unaware consciously). Utilizing this unique system, the practitioner and recipient are healed simultaneously. Reiki Level III will teach you to heal on the spiritual level, and I will use another attunement to confer the Reiki energy, and complete a detoxification process.If you achieve this level, you will be taught how to initiate others into Reiki using the attunement process.

Reiki has a somewhat unique history. The many books on Reiki give similar histories of Reiki, and these are summarized below. Reiki also works on plants, animals, and even some machines. Over time it can enhance intuition, meditation and personal spiritual evolution. Reiki has gone on from strength to strength now being practiced worldwide.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Living with Teen Depression

Some people may scoff at the idea of Depression being an actual physical ailment, as of course all teens may at times seem moody and melodramatic.  In truth, more and more cases of actual clinical depression and other mental and emotional ailments are being diagnosed in teens every single year, and this information is from the experts and not from overly protective parents.  If you suspect that there is a case of teen depression in your household, what to do?

The first thing you want to remember is that it does no good to jump to any conclusions.  As said, teens are often moody, withdrawn, angry, sad, and overly emotional in many ways.  This is partly due to the influx of hormones they experience while going through puberty and not necessarily a signal of actual teen depression.  It would be a mistake to assume that your angry teenager or the one that gives into crying jags is actually clinically depressed.  While these ranges of emotions are normal for teenagers, actual clinical teen depression is much more serious than this.  If you suspect that your teenager's emotions are to the extent that he or she actually has clinical Teen Depression , it's important to get that diagnosis from a doctor rather than making an assumption on your own.

If you have gotten a diagnosis, then it's time to learn how to deal with teen depression.  The first is to make sure that it doesn't swallow up your entire life or your child's life either.Its good to give your child a little nudge that isolating themselves is not going to help their condition at all.  In some cases teen depression can be a lot like having a weight problem - it's tempting to just give in and eat yourself sick, but this just makes things worse.  As with any other disease or condition, it's usually best to take a proactive approach and be determined to fight it as much as possible. 

Balance is needed in this regard as well.When parents force things like social interaction onto their children or asking more that he or she can give is not a good way to work through teen depression.  Remember that this condition is not something you can just "will" away or force to be cured if you force your child to "act" happy.  You also won't do any good to act as if your child is somehow defective, weak, or has let you down somehow.  Teen depression is a condition that they have little control over, acting disappointed in them is no more effective than getting angry at the child that doesn't have much athletic ability or that struggles to understand certain subjects in school.

Be supportive of your child that is suffering from teen depression.  Keep your own positive attitude and reassume him or her that they simply have a condition and that they can learn coping skills.  Talk to your doctor as he or she will always have treatment options for teen depression.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!


Depression Symptoms and What to Look For

It's probably a true statement that everyone has been depressed from time to time.  Even those with the sunniest, happiest of dispositions can be upset or sad by something that has happened; this doesn't mean that they have a clinical disorder.  It's important to know the real Symptoms of Depression so that you can be sure you actually are suffering from this condition and that you're treating it properly.

First, the symptoms of depression are similar to the symptoms of other forms of emotional distress, but other emotional problems may be traced back to one particular problem.  For example, someone grieving over someone else's death may feel sad, upset, angry, and just plain depressed for a long time.  These feelings aren't necessarily symptoms of depression unless they persist after a full year and are serious enough to interfere with a person's everyday routine after that year or so.  There is no time limit on grief and of course some people can feel sadness over the loss of someone else for the rest of their own life, but when this grief is so overwhelming that it interferes with their own life after a good period of time, this may signal something more serious.

The extent of one's sadness and the consistency of it are also symptoms of depression.  While anyone can have a very bad day and get a severe case of the blues for no apparent reason, usually this type of thing clears up after a good night's rest or some time spent with friends or family.Sometimes just a rainy day can trigger some depression and once the sun is back out, everything seems to be fine.A few bad days or even a few bad months aren't long enough to make it depression."  Someone with true clinical depression sees no point or purpose in anything, even hobbies and activities they once enjoyed, and find it difficult even spending time with family and friends.  They may not necessarily be suicidal but often suffer from a sever lack of self-esteem.  Everyone's symptoms of depression are different in how they manifest themselves and the degree of those symptoms, but they are usually severe enough to interfere with their everyday life.A lot of us have problems getting out of bed for work on Monday, but people suffering with clinical depression don't want to get out of bed ever.

If your Symptoms of Depression are severe enough that they are interfering in your own life, or if you notice that you are no longer caring for the responsibilities of your family, career, and your friends, it's time to talk to a doctor.  If left untreated, the condition and the symptoms of depression can get worse and worse over time.  A person may easily get swallowed up in their condition and wait until things are much worse than they need to be before he or she seeks medical intervention.  Talk to a doctor about your symptoms of depression the moment you notice them and get the help you deserve.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!


What is Post Partum Depression and Who Gets It

There has been much debate over the subject of Depression these days, no small part of which are comments made by some that not only can this condition be treated by "vitamins and exercise" but by the fact that some even debate whether the condition actually exists in the first place.  If you're a new mom and think that you are experiencing postpartum depression but are afraid of talking to anyone because of what they might say, please keep reading.

The first thing to remember about any case of depression is that there are new facts being learned about it every single day.  The more scientists are able to understand about how the body and the brain work together, the more accurate they are in medical diagnoses.  Many doctors agree that postpartum depression does exist and is the result of a wide combination of factors.  A new mother is facing a surge of female hormones that often trigger emotional episodes, including depression.  Many of her body's systems are also maladjusted, and this includes some of the chemicals in the brain that regulate mood.  On top of all of these things, postpartum depression may also be caused or aggravated by her lack of sleep from having to get up and take care of the baby several times during the night.A New mom's health and emotions can really be beated up when there is a combination of these two factors!

It's thought that some cases of Postpartum Depression are more likely to strike women who are already prone to depression or who have had this condition even before becoming pregnant.The harder time a woman has keeping weight off in her normal lifestyle before her pregnancy then the harder the time she will probably have taking the pregnancy weight off.  Having a condition before pregnancy would logically make one more prone to having it after pregnancy, and postpartum depression is no different.

Physical factors are not the only ones that have a role in bringing on postpartum depression but also emotions factors can play a significant role.Motherhood is shown to women as a constant state of happiness full of laughter and a love but then reality can hit a young mom with a crying baby at 2 in the morning.  This disappointment can reach the point of depression.  Or some who experience postpartum depression have expected the child to solve problems in their life, such as bringing them closer to their spouse, or making up for a lack of self-esteem, and so on.  When these things don't happen just automatically with the arrival of the baby, the mother feels angry, guilty, let down, and so on.  This too can progress to the point of postpartum depression. 

Doctors today are becoming more responsive to the condition and are more aware and alert to what it means and what may legitimately cause it.Your Doctor is the best reourse for information on how to get through the stages of postpartum depression.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!



Allergic To Food? That May Be The Reason Why You Have Bad Breath

Eliminate Bad Breath

It is a fact that allergies and bad breath are related and often one can be triggered or caused by the other.  So just how are allergies and bad breath related and what can you do about it?

The main culprit of bad breath is dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause bacteria to build up on the tongue and the more bacteria build up the stronger the bad breath.These bacteria feed on food stuck in your mouth and tongue and as they do they release a unpleasant smelling gas which is what causes your smelly breath.

One of the most common factors that cause dry mouth is allergies.  To make matters worse many of the medications given to treat allergies also cause dry mouth and therefore stronger bad breath.  These medications often have an impact on your saliva production and actually cause a reduction in saliva produced.  This causes your dry mouth and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive.

Many allergies will produce some cold like symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose and post-nasal drip.  Post-nasal drip is a very common cause of bad breath and is caused when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses – a very common reaction to allergens. Allergens that cause post-nasal drip are often seasonal, inhalant allergens and mainly occur during spring and early summer, however post-nasal drip can also be caused by year round allergies such as dust or food allergies.

Often people who suffer from allergies with have an opened soft palate which is the ideal ground for bacteria to live and multiply.  Bacteria can be found in mucus and post nasal drip is therefore a perfect breeding ground for the little critters.  Bacteria will feed off this condition and this will all contribute to bad breath.  Those people who suffer from post nasal drip will often have not only bad breath but also a bad taste in their mouth.

A third way that allergies can cause bad breath is by food intolerance to foods such as dairy, wheat, eggs, and other foods.  Food allergy does not always present with immediate and drastic symptoms but can often cause some more subtle symptoms that the sufferer often does not know that a food intolerance is causing them.  One of these common symptoms is gas and bloating. People that have a regular build up of gas in their stomach will often have bad breath as the gas can reflux up and settle in the mouth.

There are many food allergens that can cause this symptom and a number of allergens that can cause dry mouth and post nasal drip.  If you suffer from any of these symptoms there is a good chance that you have an allergen that you may be unaware of.

The first step to curing your bad breath is to find out what it is that you are allergic to and take steps to avoid that allergen and therefore avoid triggering these allergic reactions that may be causing your bad breath.  Once you are able to control your allergies your breath should take on a much nicer smell and your colleagues and friends will no doubt feel more comfortable standing close to you.

Learn how you can eliminate your bad breath allergies at Download your Free Bad Breath Report on how to eliminate bad breath today!


Heed The Warnings: Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Although there are several types of ultraviolet rays, two are of particular importance when discussing skin health. The first is UVB rays which are stopped at the level of the skin and the second being UVA rays which penetrate deeply into the various layers of the skin.

For over a decade we have heard endless warnings concerning the harmful rays of the sun and the development of skin cancer. In reality most individuals do not heed this warning; which is why skin cancer has in recent years become the most prevalent type of cancer in America.

One myth that seems to persist is the belief that you are safe from skin cancer if you do not allow your skin to burn. This simply is not true or is at least not the whole story. Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are related to excessive sun exposure (ie. tanning) where as melanomas are caused by sun burns.

The fact is the sun's UV rays cause considerable damage to the skin and in turn extreme aging. The radiation of the sun's rays causes the breakdown of the collagen and elastin which are proteins that is responsible for the structure of the skin. At the same time these rays disable our ability to repair the damage. This is all accomplished by the formation of free radicals, which attack not only the protein but also the skin cells DNA. This destroying of DNA is what leads to skin cancer.

The sun greatly affects the health and appearance of our skin on many levels; whether it is wrinkles, age spots, sagging, broken blood vessels or cancer, prevention is the key. This is extremely important as more than 80% of the damage to our skin actually occurs before we are twenty years of age. Although it takes several years of damage to our skin to cause wrinkles, the point of no return will be long past when your wrinkles start appearing. The sun damage we inflict on our skin is not detectable until the final results appear.

With the plethora of skin care products available there really is no excuse for negligence. Many of the products that many of us are already using are available with built in sunscreens; everything from make-up to moisturizers. These are not specialty items they are available everywhere and at every price range, it is just a matter of reading the labels. The advantage of these types of products is that you are protecting yourself at all times because many of us do not think about sunscreen unless we are heading to the beach or some other out door adventure. Remember that just because there are clouds in the sky does not mean that the radiation rays of the sun are not getting through, the sun is there everyday regardless of the forecast.

To answer all your skin care questions and concerns visit: Skin Care Products|Treatments|Facts

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