Thursday, October 30, 2008


Herbal Treatment For Diabetes : Fact Or Myth.

Diabetes has been recognized by western medicine since the early 1800’s as being one of the most prevalent and controllable conditions affecting a large portion of the population. However, Asian cultures have recognized this fact much earlier and and have developed and been using herbal treatments for diabetes for centuries. These treatments are widely regarded as effective, even today.

It must firstly be recognized that most of the herbal treatment for diabetes are not recommended for those requiring insulin treatment. This is because  the majority of the herbs being used have proven effective in helping to restore the body’s ability to control the blood sugar level by boosting the effectiveness of the body’s own insulin. If the body is not producing insulin there is nothing to boost and, research suggests, the use of these herbal treatments will not have the needed effect.

This has obviously produced the skeptics who claim that the proponents of herbal medication are in the business simply for the money and find argument against the use of herbs in medicine. Conversely, the herbalists claim is that since the drug companies cannot patent herbs and other herbal treatments for diabetes, they cannot make money from their use therefore they condemn them as ineffective.

There Is Still No Cure For This Treatable Disease

Despite decades of research there is no known cure for diabetes and none is on the horizon. It is essentially the body’s inability to regulate the amount of blood sugar in the system. While in many cases medicine to help dissolve and reduce the blood sugar offers dramatic improvement, it is still necessary for some patients to require insulin injections to keep it under control. Owing to the lack of research,There are few arguments that indicate that herbal treatments for diabetes may not be effective.

As most herbal treatments for diabetes are shown to improve the reduction of blood sugar levels by helping insulin do its job, it stands to reason that for those who’s bodies don’t produce insulin herbal treatment  cannot provide that help. (more info on diabetes at )

Possibly one of the best ways a person with diabetes can help himself or herself is through a proper nutritional diet, regular exercise and monitoring their blood sugar level. Fortunately, testing equipment is readily available and is typically done through blood samples with many home testing kits offering accurate readings and can be done numerous times throughout the day.

As soon as a person is diagnosed with diabetes, and their doctor starts them on a prescription regimen they should not eliminate the medicine in favor of a herbal treatment for diabetes without consulting their physician. It is very important that They increase the monitoring of their blood sugar level and notify their doctor of any change, good or bad.

Many diabetes sufferers can dramatically improve their blood sugar levels and consequently improve their overall wellbeing by cutting out the fatty, sweet elements of their diets by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables  and getting into a regular routine of exercise.

It is important to realize that “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean “safe.” Although the vast majority of herbs are safe when used properly, they also are powerful. They can cause adverse effects and can interact negatively with conventional medicines. Seek advice from someone trained in herbal and natural medicines and buy products from a reputable source to ensure quality and purity.
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