Monday, October 27, 2008


Depression Symptoms and What to Look For

It's probably a true statement that everyone has been depressed from time to time.  Even those with the sunniest, happiest of dispositions can be upset or sad by something that has happened; this doesn't mean that they have a clinical disorder.  It's important to know the real Symptoms of Depression so that you can be sure you actually are suffering from this condition and that you're treating it properly.

First, the symptoms of depression are similar to the symptoms of other forms of emotional distress, but other emotional problems may be traced back to one particular problem.  For example, someone grieving over someone else's death may feel sad, upset, angry, and just plain depressed for a long time.  These feelings aren't necessarily symptoms of depression unless they persist after a full year and are serious enough to interfere with a person's everyday routine after that year or so.  There is no time limit on grief and of course some people can feel sadness over the loss of someone else for the rest of their own life, but when this grief is so overwhelming that it interferes with their own life after a good period of time, this may signal something more serious.

The extent of one's sadness and the consistency of it are also symptoms of depression.  While anyone can have a very bad day and get a severe case of the blues for no apparent reason, usually this type of thing clears up after a good night's rest or some time spent with friends or family.Sometimes just a rainy day can trigger some depression and once the sun is back out, everything seems to be fine.A few bad days or even a few bad months aren't long enough to make it depression."  Someone with true clinical depression sees no point or purpose in anything, even hobbies and activities they once enjoyed, and find it difficult even spending time with family and friends.  They may not necessarily be suicidal but often suffer from a sever lack of self-esteem.  Everyone's symptoms of depression are different in how they manifest themselves and the degree of those symptoms, but they are usually severe enough to interfere with their everyday life.A lot of us have problems getting out of bed for work on Monday, but people suffering with clinical depression don't want to get out of bed ever.

If your Symptoms of Depression are severe enough that they are interfering in your own life, or if you notice that you are no longer caring for the responsibilities of your family, career, and your friends, it's time to talk to a doctor.  If left untreated, the condition and the symptoms of depression can get worse and worse over time.  A person may easily get swallowed up in their condition and wait until things are much worse than they need to be before he or she seeks medical intervention.  Talk to a doctor about your symptoms of depression the moment you notice them and get the help you deserve.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!

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