Monday, October 27, 2008


Allergic To Food? That May Be The Reason Why You Have Bad Breath

Eliminate Bad Breath

It is a fact that allergies and bad breath are related and often one can be triggered or caused by the other.  So just how are allergies and bad breath related and what can you do about it?

The main culprit of bad breath is dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause bacteria to build up on the tongue and the more bacteria build up the stronger the bad breath.These bacteria feed on food stuck in your mouth and tongue and as they do they release a unpleasant smelling gas which is what causes your smelly breath.

One of the most common factors that cause dry mouth is allergies.  To make matters worse many of the medications given to treat allergies also cause dry mouth and therefore stronger bad breath.  These medications often have an impact on your saliva production and actually cause a reduction in saliva produced.  This causes your dry mouth and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive.

Many allergies will produce some cold like symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose and post-nasal drip.  Post-nasal drip is a very common cause of bad breath and is caused when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses – a very common reaction to allergens. Allergens that cause post-nasal drip are often seasonal, inhalant allergens and mainly occur during spring and early summer, however post-nasal drip can also be caused by year round allergies such as dust or food allergies.

Often people who suffer from allergies with have an opened soft palate which is the ideal ground for bacteria to live and multiply.  Bacteria can be found in mucus and post nasal drip is therefore a perfect breeding ground for the little critters.  Bacteria will feed off this condition and this will all contribute to bad breath.  Those people who suffer from post nasal drip will often have not only bad breath but also a bad taste in their mouth.

A third way that allergies can cause bad breath is by food intolerance to foods such as dairy, wheat, eggs, and other foods.  Food allergy does not always present with immediate and drastic symptoms but can often cause some more subtle symptoms that the sufferer often does not know that a food intolerance is causing them.  One of these common symptoms is gas and bloating. People that have a regular build up of gas in their stomach will often have bad breath as the gas can reflux up and settle in the mouth.

There are many food allergens that can cause this symptom and a number of allergens that can cause dry mouth and post nasal drip.  If you suffer from any of these symptoms there is a good chance that you have an allergen that you may be unaware of.

The first step to curing your bad breath is to find out what it is that you are allergic to and take steps to avoid that allergen and therefore avoid triggering these allergic reactions that may be causing your bad breath.  Once you are able to control your allergies your breath should take on a much nicer smell and your colleagues and friends will no doubt feel more comfortable standing close to you.

Learn how you can eliminate your bad breath allergies at Download your Free Bad Breath Report on how to eliminate bad breath today!

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