Thursday, October 30, 2008


What Is A Yeast Infection And How Do You Get It?

How do you get a yeast infection? The vagina creates it’s own environment which maintains its own balance of microorganisms. If these organisms get out of balance a yeast infection is the result. For example when the fungus Candida Albicans disturbes this balance, the  Candida can then multiply unchecked and the result is a vaginal yeast infection. The natural balance of these microorganisms can be disrupted by a variety of causes

A Yeast Infection Can Be Caused By The Following Factors:

1. By the excessive use of antibiotics which can destroy the good bacteria that help to protect the vagina. During or after the use of antibiotics a vaginal yeast infection can develop especially if you are taking the antibiotics for other minor conditions such as strep throat.
2. Steroids are another medicine that can cause an infection.
3. Those with diabetes have a lower glycogen store in their vaginal cells. In addition, diabetes can also cause  a rise in the sugar content of their vagina which can increase the likelihood of developing a yeast infection.
4. Those with a weakened immune system can develop a yeast infection this may include those with HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, cancer, chemotherapy or anyone taking drugs that weaken the immune system.
5. A yeast infection is also agrevated by body changes such as ovulation, menopause, pregnancy, birth control pills and hormone therapy.
6. Wearing underwear that is tight or made of material other than cotton can increase the temperature, moisture and local irritation in the vagina which can lead to an infection.
7. Use of douches or feminine sprays has been known to cause yeast infections.
8. Tiny scratches in the vagina can also cause a yeast infection such as during the insertion of a tampon.

How To Reduce The Conditions that Nurture It?

Now that you know how you get a yeast infection, let’s consider ways to reduce the conditions that nurture it. Some of these conditionss you can control such as unnecessary use of antibiotics; poorly controlled diabetes; wearing tight fitting and nonabsorbent pants or undergarments that hold in warmth and moisture; using any feminine hygiene sprays such as talcs or perfumes in the vaginal area; douching; or using intrauterine devices.

Unfortunately there are conditions that you can’t control such as:
1. an impaired immune system which affects the bodies ability to maintain a normal balance in the organisms in the vagina,
2. pregnancy, which changes the hormone levels in your body and the balance of organisms in the vagina.
3. undiagnosed diabetes which affects the normal balance of organisms in the vagina because of a change in blood sugar levels.

Although yeast infections are not sexually transmitted, you may be at an increased risk of developing an imbalance in the organisms particularly when you consider the risk factors for a sexually transmitted disease.

How you get a yeast infection can be out of your control, however, by taking the above mentioned preventions and keeping a watch on your condition particularly during periods where your physical conditions are changing quick and easy traetments are available to cure this condition.

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