Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What To Look For When You Have Atypical Migraine Symptoms And How to Contend With The Pain

There are millions of people that suffer regularly from the neurological syndrome known as a migraine headache.  Some of the atypical migraine symptoms include painful headaches, nausea, and altered bodily experiences.

It is also recognized to affect women more than men.  When migraine symptoms start, it can almost be guaranteed to leave the person suffering for at least several hours, but the symptoms may last as long as seventy two hours.  The sufferer at first sign of atypical migraine symptoms should try to seek medications or treatment immediately.

It is best when atypical migraine symptoms start, to treat them immediately so it can prevent any interference to your daily routine. The atypical migraine symptom can cause a person to lose concentration and their ability to work.

Even the most stubborn migraines can be eliminated with effective modern medications.  Migraine headaches have a tendency to reoccur, thus it is important that the sufferer mentally prepares themselves to expect to get them in the future.

Most people have some symptoms that will start before the headache sets in.  There is often tension in the forehead and sometimes tension that will start in one temple or on both sides of the head, also around the eyes.

Atypical Migraine Symptoms Treatment

Migraine sufferers used to be left at the mercy of their headache which could last for hours and have to be slept off.  This more often than not would cause disruption to their lives. Modern treatments of migraine provide faster solutions and thus help to minimize the problem.

It has been found that applying ice to the site of pain is a simple yet effective technique.This can help calm down the inflammation.  Breathing exercises and relaxation have been found to work, also acupressure and acupuncture can provide some relief from atypical migraine symptoms.

The classic migraine symptoms can be aided by over the counter headache remedies.  It is also important to remember if you are suffering from frequent migraines to talk to your doctor so as to find the best possible solution for your particular circumstances. Doctors can prescribe anti-inflammatory medications and prescription pain killers.

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