Monday, January 26, 2009


Need To Help Someone Quit Smoking?

Come New Year’s and a lot of smokers resolve to quit smoking. However, it’s not that easy and most smokers never manage to achieve their goal. So if you're going to offer your support to help someone quit smoking, one of the most important things you can do is to learn more about the quitting process and what it involves. Once you have this information and a friend happens to say, “Help me to stop smoking”, you can use your knowledge to help someone quit smoking.

Here are Some Things You Can to Help Someone Quit Smoking

1. Try not to be too judgemental when someone asks for your help to give up smoking: Always be supportive. Never say “I told you so”. At this stage reminding someone that they should never have picked up the habit in the first place, is unlikely to help, and may make them lose confidence in their ability to give it up. Always be there to help them, when they feel the urge to light-up another cigarette, remind them gently that they are trying to kick the habit. Remember that self-confidence and willpower is what your friend will need the most, so to help someone quit smoking, you must be ready to act as a guide and a good friend. However, do not force your opinions on the other person. Rather, give advice only when it's asked for.

2. Help Your Friends Get Over Setbacks: So your friend has asked you, “Help me to stop smoking”. Well, to get started, use your knowledge to guide them with the best-suited strategy. As you go along trying to help someone quit smoking, be sure to be supportive. Your friend may even lose the willpower and light up a cigarette. In this case, the worst thing you can do is to declare the attempt to quit smoking a failure. Instead, keep in mind that some people who are trying to abstain from smoking sometimes give in to the craving in the early days. Never be condescending, be supportive and try to guide them so that they can make a fesh, new attempt.

3. Never Sound Pushy: A person trying to quit smoking is sure to feel some withdrawal symptoms that may make them irritable and short-tempered. Don’t worry, this phase does not last for long, and you must seem to be caring and supportive, but not overly pushy. Avoid the temptation to keep asking someone if they’ve had a cigarette since their decision to quit; this just makes a person feel less confident about their ability to quit smoking. help somebody to stop smoking, you should always remember that patience is a virtue!

4. Avoid Smoking Around Someone Trying To Quit Smoking: The worst thing for someone trying to give up smoking is being around other smokers. The urge to have a cigarette seems to intensify in these situations. So, if you smoke, do not do so around your friend!

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