Sunday, January 18, 2009


Killer Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Severe heartburn is very painful. Acid reflux can stop you from enjoying your favourite foods and getting that important good nights sleep. You could go to see your doctor like most people do for a cure. The odds are you have already tried many products that don't work. But what if you could try something that is cheaper and more natural? Would you give that a try? In this article were going to take a look at some home remedies for acid reflux disease.

Apple cider vinegar is the very first remedy that you should try. What you do is mix 2 teaspoon full with some good old water. Many people find their acid reflux gets worse in the beginning. Stick with it. Things should get better in a few days.

Somtimes even a simple thing like changing your diet will help out allot. Find out what foods bother your stomach. This may not even be the usual foods that you think. From there you learn to avoid those foods. Many people struggle with this because they can't change their eating habits.

3 Ginger Root: Ginger root is a herb that works well against acid reflux. Ginger root can help absorb any extra acid your stomach is making. You can take ginger root in capsule form and it can be found in most health stores. You most likely will need to take one after each meal.

4 Fennel Seed: This is another herb that fights off acid reflux. Fennel seed has some very good compounds in it that helps contain spasms in the stomach and digestion problems. You will need to take half a tea spoon after each meal for it to work correctly.

5 Aloe Vera Juice: Yes you can drink Aloe Vera. Many people don't know that. I recommend that you buy your juice at your local health store. Don't bother making is yourself as it could make you sick.

Many people have found that eating an apple after their meal to help prevent acid reflux. The problem with apples is that this is more temporary solution. Most people find that their acid reflux will return. It is still worth a try.

Almonds are the latest discovery for curing people with acid reflux. This isn't much of a surprise to me. Almonds are great for a wide range of different health problems. Eat a few after each meal.

Not all of these remedies will work for your condtion. That's just the way this natural remedy stuff works. There is a good chance that most of these remedies will only work on the short term. The best place to start is with apple cider vinegar to stop acid reflux.

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