Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Simple And Effective Treatments For Halitosis

Bad Breath

All people from time to time experience bad breath, including the embarrassment that goes along with it. What causes bad breath? There are many factors, such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, gum problems, and tooth decay.

More than 60 percent of Americans have halitosis and over 35 million are afflicted with chronic halitosis. However, not all of bad breath is systemic in origin; some of it is caused by how fastidious a person can be when it comes to oral hygiene. Do not make the mistake of believing in the claims that over-the-counter products can cure bad breath; more often than not, these products just mask the unpleasant odor and fail to treat the root of the problem.

The bacteria often found in the mouth congregate towards the back of the tongue and are one of the culprits for halitosis. Anaerobic bacteria eat food debris and excrete Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC). VSC smell like hydrogen sulfide, which resemble rotten eggs in odor. Bad breath odor may also be caused by some foods after they have been digested and the bad odor comes from the lungs.

Here are some of the simple treatments for bad breath:

Daily brushing is required. How you brush your teeth is also vital and many people do not know that there is a correct brushing method that will eliminate food particles wedged between the teeth. Brushing every day can eliminate much of bad breath. Undergoing regular dental cleanings also reduce the number of bacteria residing in your mouth. The white substance often found on the back of the tongue can be removed with a tongue cleaner. Proper diet is also essential in preventing halitosis.

Saliva is endowed with antibiotic elements that combat bacteria in the mouth. When the mouth becomes dry, saliva production is reduced and bad breath increases. If you chew gum to stimulate production of saliva, this would help in reducing the bad odor emanating from  your mouth. Another way to increase saliva production is to drink at least eight fluid ounces of water everyday. Aside from fighting bad breath, water is also good for the health.

If you're in a meeting or in a public place and unable to brush your teeth after eating, a remedy would be to drink water and then swish it around the mouth to loosen the particles and then spit it out.

Again chewing to stimulate saliva product is crucial and snacking on fresh vegetables instead of chips, candy, and cookies can help to prevent plaque formation.

Vitamin C is food for health and deficiency in Vitamin C may be a causal factor of halitosis. Smoking destroys Vitamin C and contributes to bad breath.

You can also employ baking soda for brushing your teeth. The characteristics of baking soda are helpful in destroying odors. Hence, baking soda is placed in refrigerators and is sprinkled on carpets before they are vacuumed. There are many brands of toothpaste available that have baking soda and are not as bad as having to plunge your toothbrush in the baking soda box.

Then there is the water pik.  A water pik helps to dislodge the food particles wedged between the teeth and is therefore beneficial in combating bad breath. You can buy a water pick that has batteries so that it is portable.

When buying mouthwash, try to look for one that has zinc chloride and cetylpyridinium chloride. A mouthwash that does not have these ingredients will only hide the odor for a limited time. It will not provide long-lasting results; bad breath will just come back. You can also consider using hydrogen peroxide. It works great as a mouthwash since it releases oxygen, which the anaerobic bacteria in our mouths cannot tolerate.

Hopefully, through this article, you have found that getting rid of bad breath is not difficult. If you want more proven tips, download your Free Bad Breath Report at and learn how you can enjoy a lease of fresh breath today!

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