Sunday, November 30, 2008


The Link Between Stress and Heartburn

Getting your stress under control is essential for your health if you intend to reduce your ongoing heartburn symptoms. Researchers aren't yet able to make a direct link between stress and heartburn, but they do believe there's an indirect relationship.

With stress, we eat more, make worse food choices, sleep less, and sometimes indulge in other bad habits like smoking and drinking. All of these behaviors add to your misery when they result in heartburn.

If chronic heartburn is a problem for you, you need to take a close look at the stressors in your life so you can get rid of them. Is it your relationships? Your job? Finances or being over-scheduled? Any of these can add to the stress in your life and result in heartburn if the pressure causes you to make bad lifestyle decisions.

After you know what sets you off, try to prevent chronic heartburn by finding solutions to your stresses. Could you go into counseling, or even just steal some time away to unwind and appreciate life?

Often you can reduce your stress, and thereby achieve heartburn relief, just by changing certain aspects of your life. Add exercise to your daily routine if you don’t already do it. You might even lose a few pounds; this will help your heartburn problems because obesity is a factor in the condition.

If relaxation is the solution, meditation and massage are both good choices to help you unwind. Even though they might not directly ease your heartburn, they can slow the pace of your life and let you unwind and enjoy a lifestyle that will reduce the frequency of heartburn attacks.

Maybe you just need to put on a soothing CD and relax to the sound of music for awhile. This style of relaxing can keep you from smoking, eating too much, and consuming excess alcohol. These habits can all lead to a bad case of heartburn.

If you're looking to replace your old habits with something more positive, try laughing more often. Give your mood a boost, drop stress, and lose your troubles by searching out humor in the world around you.

Seek out methods of reducing stress and preventing heartburn symptoms that won't put you in financial jeopardy. Money problems certainly won't help your problem, so you need to take advantage of the many no-cost heartburn management techniques that are available.

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