Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Stop Smoking Guides Provide Important Advice

Smoking is an awful habit and a harmful addiction.  Most people realize the dangers, but the addiction is such a strong one that people have trouble when they try to quit smoking.  There are some stop smoking guides available with important advice to help those that require to quit.  One of the first things most of the stop smoking guides emphasize is the difficulty of quitting.  The stop smoking guides usually warn folks of the difficulties and encourage folks to try in spite of the difficulties.  The stop smoking guides are usually prepared by medical experts based on research and experience gathered from those who have productively quit and those who have failed. 

Some of the guides to stop smoking are actually prepared and presented by the tobacco companies that sell cigarettes.  These companies have been criticized for their advertising campaigns to attract smokers, and some of these companies have been sued by smokers or their families.  The tobacco companies have presented information on websites and through other literature in stop smoking guides.  These websites and publications usually instruct people about the difficulties in this undertaking.  The information offers specific strategies for smokers who are trying to quit.

Stop Smoking Guides Offer Specific Strategies

The guides for smokers trying to quit usually give specific steps for smokers.  Some of the guides explain that research has shown that quitting "cold turkey" is an effective way to accomplish their goal of becoming a previous smoker.  This means that the smoker just stops after a cigarette and never picks up an alternative cigarette again.  The guides explain  the challenges and side effects from this method.  This information lets the smoker know the problems that they face.  In alternative methods working toward smoking cessation, the guides explain that smokers should set a date in the future to stop smoking. 

Once the smoker has set a date for cessation of smoking, the stop smoking guides provide specific information that will help the smoker quit.  Most of the guides offer similar information because the researchers have accumulated much cooperative advice for smokers determined to quit.  The guides also show the aids that are available for smoking cessation.  The guides usually provide information on the success of each of the aids available.  The guides also provide information on the help available for smokers trying to quit. There are help lines manned by trained professionals and support groups to assist smokers.

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